

seriously cabal(3)

알버타비프 2012.05.23 16:09 565
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It is really hard for me to understand what is in your brain to update like this. Go fuxk yourselves bitches im out. I am not gonna play this shit anymore, what a piece of junk fuxk. just keep update like this and all the users will be gone soon enough.

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댓글 3

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  • 양쿠밍

    dude server fix time will be on 5 pm. just wait for how GMs doing

    • 2012.05.23 16:21
  • AKQJ10

    여기 한국인데...왜 한국말을 안쓰고..영어로...

    • 2012.05.23 17:14
  • 화백련

    아자씨~~~ 한국말로 해... 영자들 무식해서 영어 몰라... 지금쯤 구글 번역기 돌리고 있을껄? ㅋㅋ

    • 2012.05.23 17:29